Fixed Blade Closeouts

27 Results
27 Results
$16.99 Price reduced from $26.99 to
1079 M7 Bayonet Knife Replica for M16 USD 10.00 1 BUDK Fixed Blade Knives Daggers CL2 Category L2 null 16.99
$13.98 Price reduced from $26.99 to
18810 Amazon Jungle Hunter™ Survival Knife And Sheath USD 13.01 2 BUDK Fixed Blade Knives Bowie Knives CL2 Category L2 null 13.98
$3.98 Price reduced from $5.99 to
1038 Wahoo Killer Multipurpose Knife - Bushcraft / Companion / Fixed Blade - Blue USD 2.01 3 BUDK CL2 Category L2 null 3.98
$19.98 Price reduced from $32.99 to
16457 Timber Rattler Sinful Spiked Bowie Knife USD 13.01 4 Timber Rattler Fixed Blade Knives Bowie Knives CL2 Category L2 null 19.98
$16.99 Price reduced from $24.99 to
16306 Timber Wolf Tactical Boot Knife with Clip-on Leather Sheath USD 8.00 5 Timber Wolf Fixed Blade Knives Boot Knives CL2 Category L2 null 16.99
$58.98 Price reduced from $97.99 to
16321 Gil Hibben Silver Shadow Knife Damascus USD 39.01 6 Gil Hibben Fixed Blade Knives Daggers CL2 Category L2 null 58.98
null null null null null
$49.98 Price reduced from $66.99 to
24041 Hibben Legacy Combat Fighter Knife with Leather Sheath USD 17.01 7 Gil Hibben Fixed Blade Knives Survival Knives CL2 Category L2 null 49.98
$21.98 Price reduced from $27.99 to
27391 USMC Marine Kukri With Sheath USD 6.01 8 USMC Fixed Blade Knives Bowie Knives CL2 Category L2 null 21.98
$12.99 Price reduced from $22.99 to
15382 Ridge Runner Executive Wooden Fixed Blade Knife USD 10.00 9 Ridge Runner Fixed Blade Knives Bowie Knives CL2 Category L2 null 12.99
$16.98 Price reduced from $23.99 to
16228 Commander Black Boot Knife and Shoulder Sheath USD 7.01 10 Combat Commander Fixed Blade Knives Boot Knives CL2 Category L2 null 16.98
$49.98 Price reduced from $73.99 to
27684 Gil Hibben Sawback Survival Tanto Knife USD 24.01 11 Gil Hibben Fixed Blade Knives Survival Knives CL2 Category L2 null 49.98
$119.98 Price reduced from $169.99 to
18225 Gil Hibben Highlander Bowie Damascus with Sheath USD 50.01 12 Gil Hibben Fixed Blade Knives CL2 Category L2 null 119.98